Thursday, November 24, 2016

Breast is breast

After every challenge breastfeeding, the on call nurse, who was consulting about baby constipation, because my body and baby never quite got the breastfeeding thing off the ground, so he's like 2% breast fed, and 98% formula fed... she told me to give it up.

She said I did good trying, that he got some, but stress I'm having from trying to get my boobs to work and my baby to take them isn't worth it.

She told me to take deep breath and that she gives me permission to formula feed him. And that he'll grow up healthy and strong and just fine.

So I'm wrapping my head around the option to give up. It's just another thing on the list of things that didn't go right this pregnancy, and I'm trying to be ok with all of them. 

PTSD, or current traumatic stress disorder... 

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