Thursday, November 24, 2016

Breast is breast

After every challenge breastfeeding, the on call nurse, who was consulting about baby constipation, because my body and baby never quite got the breastfeeding thing off the ground, so he's like 2% breast fed, and 98% formula fed... she told me to give it up.

She said I did good trying, that he got some, but stress I'm having from trying to get my boobs to work and my baby to take them isn't worth it.

She told me to take deep breath and that she gives me permission to formula feed him. And that he'll grow up healthy and strong and just fine.

So I'm wrapping my head around the option to give up. It's just another thing on the list of things that didn't go right this pregnancy, and I'm trying to be ok with all of them. 

PTSD, or current traumatic stress disorder... 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Now I feel it, now I don't

Complain about always feeling something: mild cramp type thing, round ligament thing, feeling full, sore boobs!

As soon as a feeling goes away: AM I STILL PREGNANT?!?!?

*I heard that when there is a misscarrage, the pregnant hormones disappear and many of the feelings go away very quickly. So basically I love that my nipples hurt! And if I don't notice any other feelings, I seek them:  I drink a big glass of cold water, I sit down/ stop moving (to better feel the babe move), I'll stretch lightly (activate the round ligaments), etc.

It's so weird. Give me all the feelings!! As long as I can still sleep.

(Cat belly naps!!)

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Belly Up!

I'm starting to feel my belly touch the desk at work and remembering to scoot back a couple inches. At workout, I have to bend over different! Straddle the belly!! You can't even see it yet, but I feel it.

Letting go of "sucking it in" is weird! For my low back's DJD, I often suck my gut in, to keep the spine from over curving (PT prescribed), and it's a lot of work! I realize I'm doing it and stop, letting the guy suck in muscles go- belly out. It feels so good. That's when I am in love with my maternity pants!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Down with pants

I have on the loosest baggy, flared leg jeans I own... And yet it feels like my pants are strangling me. STRANGLING ME!!! 

I need a pickle.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Things I can't talk about-

until I can tell people I'm pregnant.

Drool is serious. Not sure if it's side effect of being nauseous or hormones, but I drool now. Like on my phone screen when I'm checking Facebook. 

I sing in the car, and I start each verse swallowing the drool in my mouth so I don't choke.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Week 6

The core of my people know I'm preggers. I've been trying, so it feels weird to not update... But being so early, it's standard to not share until past the scary 1st trimester.

Basically I can't complain!! Ha!